Private Midwifery Care
Personalised continuity of care in your home. A relationship built on trust, compassion & respect.
Birth at Home

Sasha from Barefoot Midwifery will provide you with holistic care and up to date information to assist you with making informed decisions along your pregnancy journey. When labour commences Sasha will stay in contact with you and as you progress Sasha will come to your home and offer you emotional, spiritual and physical support as well as clinical care including monitoring of you and your baby. When the time for baby’s arrival is closer a second midwife, who you will have met during your pregnancy will also attend your home to provide support if needed. Sasha provides a birth pool and liner at 36wks and when you're in labour, Sasha brings all the necessary equipment that is required if an emergency occurred. Following the birth of your baby, Sasha understands the importance of being hands off both mother and baby to support the bonding process and baby's microbiome. Both Sasha and the second midwife will offer support and assistance if desired and will stay with you for the first 3-4 hours. To support you in the transition to parenthood you will then have 24hr access to midwifery care for you and your baby for up to six weeks.
If for any reason you or your baby needs emergency assistance during labour and birth, with your consent, Sasha will transfer care to the designated hospital staff and will provide non-clinical support to you only during this time. Postnatal care will resume as per normal once you have discharged home.
Sasha is trained and skilled in supporting vaginal breech birth at home and will consider late bookings and further distances if available. If hospital birth for breech is preferred Sasha will consider supporting you in this journey to advocate for your birth, please contact to discuss further.
Included in your care:
● Comprehensive Midwifery Booking.
● Minimum of 8 x 45-60min one on one midwifery antenatal appointments, including pregnancy checks, resources and education, referral to local hospital (emergency back up), referrals for obstetric review if desired, referral for any pathology, ultrasound scans and prescriptions if needed.
● Maternity Care Plan and birth preparation, this includes a one on one midwifery antenatal appointment (as above) in addition to developing a birth plan, discussion around birthing choices and home birth informed consent. This appointment takes around 120mins.
● All labour and birth care, all midwifery birthing supplies, emergency resuscitation equipment and emergency medications. Birth Pool hire & liner included. *Additional cost for second midwife attending home birth and hire fee for Oxygen cylinder.
● A minimum of 8 postnatal appointments, includes birth debriefing, referrals, newborn health checks and ‘Closing of the Bones’ Ceremony (optional) at suitable time for woman up to 6weeks postpartum.
*All appointments are attended in your home and are bulk billed through Medicare. Additional charges apply for travel >60km from Narangba. Appointments are offered during standard business hours 9:00am-4pm, Mon-Fri. The hours outside of these times are reserved for labouring women and immediate postnatal care (within first week of birth).
For enquiries please complete the contact form here.
Antenatal & Postnatal Care Only

Sasha from Barefoot Midwifery offers the option of an antenatal and postnatal package of care when the full continuity of care option for birthing is not available. Sasha will provide you with holistic care and up to date information to assist you with making informed decisions along your pregnancy journey. As your midwife, Sasha will be your own private midwife who will be your first point of contact for the duration of your journey except for labour and birth care. With your consent, Sasha will book you into your local hospital where your labour and birth may take place. After your baby's arrival, to support you in the transition to parenthood you will have 24hr access to midwifery care for you and your baby for up to six weeks.
Included in your care:
● Comprehensive Midwifery Booking.
● Minimum of 8 x 45-60min one on one midwifery antenatal appointments, including pregnancy checks, resources and education, referral to local hospital, referrals for obstetric review if desired, referral for any pathology, ultrasound scans and prescriptions if needed.
● Maternity Care Plan and birth preparation, this includes a one on one midwifery antenatal appointment (as above) in addition to developing a birth plan, discussion around birthing choices and home birth informed consent. This appointment takes around 120mins.
● A minimum of 8 postnatal appointments, includes birth debriefing, referrals, newborn health checks and ‘Closing of the Bones’ Ceremony (optional) at suitable time for woman up to 6weeks postpartum.
*All appointments are attended in your home and are bulk billed through Medicare. Additional charges apply for travel >60km from Narangba. Appointments are offered during standard business hours 9:00am-4pm, Mon-Fri. The hours outside of these times are reserved for labouring women and immediate postnatal care (within first week of birth).
For enquiries please complete the contact form here.